Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lets talk about #Abortion

I know what you're thinking, abortion is such a taboo topic of discussion mostly because it causes conflict and aggressive debates between people who are for or against it. However, i will take this risk so lets chat. What is abortion ladies and gentlemen? Abortion is the deliberate termination of pregnancy. As a public relations practitioner you need to be well aware of the disadvantages and advantages of discussing this topic on social media, let us now educate ourselves further.



You can use social media to educate women who are considering abortion of the procedures and possible side effects that they will undergo as a result of abortion. This will help women be aware of the outcomes of abortion before making any decisions.

Safe sex

discussing abortion will help promote SAFE SEX, something the youth especially needs to get in  line with, according to statistics the youth are the largest demographic having abortion so promoting safe sex will help decrease the number of people having abortions. Since the youth are also the largest group using social media it will be easier to raise awareness through the social media channel.



Most religions consider abortion as unholy and is shamed upon so discussing it may cause an uproar of angry people. Many religions have different historical perspectives on the immortality of religions, so try your best to tip toe around this subject.



Most people feel like abortion is a sensitive issue and would rather refrain from discussing it, i mean the last thing most people want is to scroll through their social media timeline and see insensitive posts on abortion and the last thing you need as a public relations practitioner is for people to lash out at you.

How do i go about the topic of abortion you ask? Take notes:

  • Avoid picking sides when addressing the public on social media. You as a public relations practitioner need to educate not be a prosecutor. 
  • Be as discreet as possible. make sure that you have addressed the topic with the sensitivity it deserves.
  • Your content must be mutual. It must not favour one side over the other.


  1. I think that a person should do an abortion if they feel the need or want to do it. I mean people do abortions for many reasons and people shouldn't really judge, because they don't know the reason behind one doing an abortion

    1. I agree with you .people are always quick to judge

    2. Judging people one their choices is absurd. People should let others make their own choices you're right

  2. I second everything you said in this post , but i wish people wouldnt be so selfish and get pregnant at the cost of your happiness and putting your freedom at stake. Sometimes one just needs to get that abortion.

    1. I definitely agree with you and that's why the youth need to start educating and practicing safe sex

  3. Thank you for considering careless girls like myself in your approach to communicate the importance of everything abortion. I do regret getting pregnant and depriving my cousin from the independent lifestyle experience but i guess we sometimes just get carried away. oh well. - my cousin

    1. I hope this post has helped you get an in depth perspective of everything you are going through.

  4. Why is it that the youth has more abortion numbers than anyone else? That should spark up something, we don't practice safe sex, then when the ball hits the curve we start running for abortion. Abortion should be illegal point on.

    1. But that means that that making abortion illegal we are deciding what other people should do with their own body's. At the end of the day the only people that have the right to make decisions such as these should be the beholder of the pregnancy dont you think? Seens they will have to provide for the child. An thank you for your sharing you're percpective

  5. This is a very objective and understanding point of view, I agree.

  6. We need to educate young girls on the side effects of abortion so that they will make a conscious decision. You are so right.

  7. Sometimes both parties cannot afford to have a child and knowing they situation for eg: coming from a poor background you know that child's life is going to be difficult why bring an innocent soul...

    1. Yes it's very important that parents can afford to provide for theirs kids

  8. Interesting read but Every human being has the right to life - regardless of age, size, level of development or location. from my perception abortion is not a good deed at all. However people must be educated about the consequences of having a child without being financially stable.
